May 14, 2007

Nothing to report

Departure: 1:00pm 5/7/2007
Return: 5:00pm
Weather conditions: Partly Cloudy and breezy
Tide: Ebb??
Boat: Blue Club Boat
Crew: 3 (Woody, Tom & Carol)

I need to catch up; it's already been a week since the May club sail happened. Time flies, and I've been distracted by more important things (yes, as much as I love sailing, I have to admit there are more important things in life). But this is not the place to discuss other "important things"; this is the place to discuss sailing.

Our club sail was as fun as it usually is. Only 3 of us showed up, and the wind was light with periods of calm. The temperature was warm and the sun was out. It was a very pleasant, if a bit too relaxed, afternoon.

One funny thing we discovered was that none of us came on the cruise with a watch or a cell phone. I discovered this when I needed to check the time to make sure we returned home at a decent hour.

We sailed as far as the Tacoma ferry dock before turning back home.

Really, that's about it. No pictures either - how boring!

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