May 3, 2007

He's Dinghy

Departure: 3:00pm 4/28/2007
Return: 5:00pm
Weather conditions: Clear and breezy
Tide: Ebbing
Boat: Club Dingy (Walker Bay)
Crew: 1 (Woody)

One of the things I really like about sailing is how it all seems to come together when I go. That's how I know it's right for me. Take last Saturday for instance. I had it in my head that I'd like to go. Several weeks earlier, I had been asking men to join me in renting a boat and we had planned for Saturday. But, as the day approached, I couldn't find enough men available. I was also a volunteer site leader in our community "Parks Appreciation Day" and would be spending the morning doing that. Monica was out of town buying a new car for the family so I had all four children in tow. In other words, it didn't look like I'd be going sailing. But, it was still on my mind; I left a tiny window of hope open in my mind and waited to see what happened.

I decided I'd take the club dinghy out instead. It's free, and a one man job. However, after the park stuff, the kids and I needed to get a couple of things done before I could justify it. The fact that I'm making an entry should have been clue enough that I did end up going. In fact, it was funny that a friend of mine called me up that afternoon and wanted to know if I wanted to go out on the harbor. I was already going so, we planned to hook up.

Sailing a dinghy is nothing like sailing a larger boat. For one thing, it responds to forces much more quickly. Winds, tides and weight shifts all have an immediate effect. For another thing, they are small. The club's Walker Bay is 8' long. I'm a large 6'5" man who weights around 250lbs. TAcking and jibing and steering (with my hand behind my back on the tiller) is akin to changing clothes in a small closet. If you've ever had to do that, you know what I'm talking about.

Still, it was fun. The sky was a happy blue, dimpled with puffy white clouds. The breeze was nice and steady. The currents were negligable as well. It was especially fun to meet friends.

It's funny. I'm always wanting to have other's join me in their boats on the water, and yet, it's really not a good way to socialize. You can see each other, but other than that you're sort of doing your own thing. My friend brought his canoe, 5 children and a puppy with him while I was sailing solo. We chatted a bit when I sailed close, but in general I was faster than they were. When they paddled in to explore the estuary, I couldn't follow because I didn't want to risk getting pinned in by the wind. In order to go int othe estuary, I'd have had to raise my center board and depower the sails.

We didn't do much interacting, but it was fun to be out there together. It was hard not to feel slightly superior as I circled the canoe in order to chat. Every now and then the wind would let up to remind me of my fallibility.

I don't know how much this is making sense, but I did want to record that I went out. Have a nice week.

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