May 14, 2007

Early Rowing

I may be compromising my entire blog by doing this, but I'm going to post a NON-SAILING entry. The reason? I have a nice picture I want to upload. And... it does involve the sailing dinghy I built.

Last week I found a spot in the harbor to keep my dinghy for the summer, and it only costs $20/month. This has opened up all sorts of possibilities for using the dinghy. Now it's only a matter of minutes to get the dinghy in the water and ready to go whereas before it was a big hassle just getting it into the water.

Two times in the past week I' awakened extra early to row around the harbor. It's usually calm in the harbor in the early morning and when it is, it's very serene and picturesque. On the first row, I went by myself; on the second row, my wife came along for the ride. We finished our morning with a cinnemon roll from the bakery and some hot chocolate. It was a fun morning date. It was so much more fun to have her along. Hopefully, I'll get her to come again.

I won't post my rows any more unless something exceptional happens.

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