Feb 17, 2006

Ode to a Sailors Wife

It takes a special woman to do what my wife did yesterday. I think I've already mentioned that we've joined the Gig Harbor Sailing club. We are now taking sailing lessons to qualify to check out club boats. My wife is taking the lessons with me, and we had our first two lessons this week - and what a week! The sky's have been sunny and blue, and the wind has been great. But, it has been so cold! Wednesday it was in the very low 40's (like 41 or 42), and yesterday it was more like 38. Add 16mph winds to that and you get a chill. Yet, my wife weathered it all.

Not just any woman, would brave those conditions, but she did. I think she'd rather not go out when it's that cold, but we both enjoyed it.

I'm not a talented writer, but I've written some "poetry" in honor of my lovely wife. The only reason, I'm comfortable posting them here is because I'm pretty sure, no one reads this but me.

I slip on my thermals
and then my itchy wool socks
My sweatpant, and my ski pants
My long sleeved shirt,
My sweatshirt,
My parka,
My gloves,
My stocking hat,
and my sunglasses.
Layers and layers,
take a cross section
and count the rings.

It happens in a moment.
My heart races,
I grip the tiller to hold her steady, and
the world tilts.
lean backwards,brace my heels against the opposite seat,
and stare down into the rushing green water.
This is heeling.

I like sailing,
when it's not windy.
I like the water
when it's not cold.
I like boats,
when they're not heeling.
It's a good activity,
when there's nothing
else to do.
Why do I sail?
Because I love him.

I love you Monica.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A sailor and a poet! WOW! Enjoyed your work, Woody.
Love, Ruth