Feb 7, 2006

Anchors away!!

Well, I've done it. I've joined the Gig Harbor Sailing Club. It's actually a club and a school. This is good news for everyone. For me because I get to sail more. For my family, because they get to sail more. For you because now I'll have more interesting things to write about than my old sailing stories.

Many of my day sailing trips are going to be outside the mouth of the harbor in the same area. Sailboats can only go so fast so in half a day there is a certain nautical area we can cover. I don't plan to upload lots of pictures of the same things. I've already taken many pictures of point defiance, and the mouth of Gig Harbor. Instead, I'll only post pictures of new, unusual or beautiful things.

Also, because so much will be happening in this area. I thought a map with the names of prominant geographical features would be useful. Below is such a map courtesy of google earch.

If you've never tried google earth, you need to. It is the coolest mapping tool I've ever seen.

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