Sep 7, 2005

Taking Friends out

For me, there is nothing more fun that sharing sailing with friends. It's never easy because it's so hard to plan a good sail ahead of time, but it's been my goal to take more friends out this year.

On Labor DAy, Monday, I took our friends, the Anguiano's, out for a sail. They and all three of their children came along. And, of course, my trusty able seagirl, Sophia came along.

I had worried that we would have foul weather, but it couldn't have been better. The skies were clear blue, and the wind was brisk. In fact, it was probably one of the best sailing days I've had.

The wind was from the north, and the tide had just gone out and was beginning to come in. This meant currents into Colvos passage (my nemesis) were weak. We were able to do a broad reach away from Gig Harbor towards Tacoma, and then turn around and do a broad reach back.

The water was choppy and there were some swells which added to the sense of adventure. Just as we were turning around, we sailed through a large group of seals. We lost count, but I'd estimate there were at least 10 floating about us. Some were quite close. This was a real treat for the Anguiano's especially. This was their first sailing trip, and their first time that far into the sound on a boat as a family.

With the brisk wind, we made better time than I've ever made before. We went halfway past Pt. Defiance and back again, and toured the harbor, and moored the boat, all in two hours.

We took time to motor past the wreckage of the Harborview marina that burned down last week. What a mess. The harbor smells like fuel. They are doing a great job cleaning it up.

We couldn't find our camera to take on the trip, but the Anguiano's took some pictures. If I can, I'll get a few and post them up.

Happy Sailing

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