Sep 1, 2005

Fire in the Hulls

We had quite a morning yesterday. We woke up to the sound of sirens in the harbor, followed by loud thundering booms. We wondered if they were gunshots, but didn't think much more about it until I left the house for my walk. I was amazed to see a large, thick column of black smoke rising over the trees in front of our house. I thought a home was on fire in the next cul-de-sac and went to go see.

It turns out it wasn't in the next cul-de-sac, and the column of smoke was larger than I thought. It was coming from the Harbor. Some neighbors with a balcony and telescope said some boats were burning in the Harbor. Having a boat in the harbor myself, I was curious, so...

I drove down where I could see the source of the flames. An entire marina was burning. Fifty boats were on fire. The loud booms were the explosions as the boats fuel eruped. It was quite the scene.

Luckily, no one was hurt, but the marina did burn to the ground, er..., the water. It was a big local news story. It even superceded the reporting on the hurricane for a while. We had lots of news helicopters flying around, and fire ships from neighboring cities came to help. I've posted a couple of the pictures I took.

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