Oct 8, 2007

Early morning sail

Departure: 7:30 am
Return: 8:30 am
Weather conditions: Partly Cloudy and breezy
Tide: ??
Boat: Wee Blow
Crew: 1 Me

The other morning, I had a yearning to be on the water. I woke up bright and early on a Saturday morning, bundled up and motored to the water. The morning was gray, and cool, and the harbor was just waking up. The wind scattered little dimples across the water like morning goosebumps.

Originally I'd planned on just going for a quick row. But, I needed to get the rudder and leeboard back on the boat and it seemed a good time to do so. Then it was a short jump in logic to rigging the sails, and well, then I was sailing.

After sailing about a bit, I got the idea to row upwind and sail back. After that, I had to rush to get back to the family and soccer games and Saturday chores.

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