Aug 30, 2007

Blake Island Camping: Day 2

Ahhhh. A fresh new day. Last nights sleep was probably the best I've ever had on a campout, and to awaken and an inflated air-mattress with my family snuggled close around me, really couldn't be beat. I was the first to awaken, and I enjoyed laying there listening to the tiny little snores that filled the tent. We had bought the tent especially for this trip so we could all be together and it was worth every penny. Eventually, nature called, and the moment was lost, but it was a good moment.
Picture 1: The same view from our campsite, but where are we now?

Picture 2: A foggy moorage.

It had been a very wet evening. The blankets and pillows in the tent were damp, and outside a thick layer of moisture had soaked everything. Heavy fog rolled around the island carrying us along on our adventure. It felt like we were truly roughing it on some uncharted island. It burned away as gently as it came.

Picture 3: Tiffany lit the morning fire with no matches; only old coals from the previous night.

Pictures 4& 5: The racoon in the tree and the racoon on the trial. Click the picture to see a larger version.

The think Monica and I love so much about the 2nd day on the island is probably what the kids don't - there isn't much to do if you don't want to. We cooked a fancy breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, juice, pancakes and fruit.

Picture 6: New found friends on the beach.

The younger girls and I took a brief hike up one of the trails. I don't think we went very far, but we still had fun. We visited the old ruins of the mansion that used to be on the island. A fat old racoon escorted us along the path (about 50 yards in front of us) and we stopped to watch another one eat wild cherries in a tree just overhead. I tried the cherries but they were much too tart.

Picture 7: Building forts in the driftwood was a favorite pasttime.

The older girls and Monica stayed in camp. I think they got a little bored; though, eventually in the late afternoon they met another girl and played on the beach for a while.

We enjoyed more walks and more good meals; BBQ beef sandwiches & baked beans, foil dinners, roasted marshmallows, s'mores. Of course, we made a run on the concession stand for ice cream cones, and Camille played on the play set A LOT. Monica even ran into one of her old friends from long ago. It was a very pleasant, mellow day. I think our oldest struggles to find things to do in a nature environment; she was ready to go home.

Picture 8: Still playing with friends.

And so, we went to bed, dreaming of clean clothes, cushy beds and nintendo.

Picture 9: We quickly slide into an animal state when we camp.

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