Aug 17, 2007

38' Charter

Departure: 2:00pm
Return: 4:00pm
Weather conditions: Clear and breezy
Tide: Strong Flood
Boat: Charter Club Boat
Crew: 4 (Tom, Woody, Dave & 6 guests)

Dave (our club manager) invited me to help crew a charter he was doing or a group of 6. It was a chance to get some experience with the big boat that I couldn't pass up.

The winds were light, but we managed to move some. We motored out of the harbor to see if there was anything better and eventually found ourselves downstream (ie in the narrows). A strong flood tide was coming in. We passed within hailing distance of a smaller 22' craft that was struggling in the current. He asked how he could get out of the current. We told him and moved on, but after some discussion with our guests, we went back and towed him out. The guy hadn't done his homework; the boat had a 3hp engine that didn't have a chance of getting him out of trouble.

It was only a 2 hour charter so we were soon back in the harbor where the winds were much better. It was too bad we didn't have time to take advantage, but both Dave and I figure we were probably meant to be out there so we could help that poor little boat.

It sounds like the charters are going to be happening more often. Cool.

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