Mar 21, 2006

Story: Cuts

The first year we had our boat, we kept it anchored near the boat launch. This was convenient in two ways. First, it was a 2 minute drive from our home to the launch, where I could paddle the dinghy out and get the boat. Second, on my daily walks, I could walk down to the launch and check the status of the boat: make sure it hadn't drug anchor, etc...

One of the most horrifying moments of my life happened on one particular walk. I can still see it clearly. The harbor slowly coming into sight, with no sign of our boat. I hurried right to the shore hoping the boat had drug anchor, or something like that, but it was gone. I couldn't see it anywhere.

I walked home as quickly as I could, and got on the phone. I had a friend who lent me his kayak, and I proceeded to circle the harbor in search of the boat.

I found it about half a mile down the harbor beached under someones private dock. It was a clear day, but the water was cold. It was going to be a tricky maneuver to get it out of there. The wind was blowing toward the dock, and I had no motor. There was also another dock a short distance away. I had no motor. I was going to need to get the boat out from under the dock and then get her under sail before she drifted back under the dock. The tide was coming in, and I was anxious to get her away before the home owner came out angry.

In the end, I did get it out, and I did get it under sail, and I did get it successfully anchored out in the harbor, but not before I had to jump into the water up to my waist to do so.

The really offensive part of this whole experience was to find that he anchor line had been cut. I learned later from neighbors along the shore, that there is a man (they wouldn't name) who liked to cut anchor lines of boats he considered derilict. I was furious, but because my partner still had the boat in his name, I had to wait for him to press charges. He never did, and the issue faded away.

Lesson learned: some people are just creeps.

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