Oct 28, 2005

What Irreantum looked like

I have had a request to post some pictures of what our little sailboat looked like. You'll notice that it is laid out like a daysailor, but remember that it is just under 20' long and has a fixed lead filled keel. It handles like a large boat, and stores like a large boat, but it has all the comforts and limitations of a small boat.

You'll notice the film close to the water line. That is growth. If we had not sold the boat, we would have had it pulled out, pressure washed and repainted this fall. We hadn't done it for over 2 years.

The cubby (covered area in the front) was very handy for stowing gear and whatnot. There is also room under the benches and in the stern. Even with all the room, it's amazing how small a boat can start to feel after 4 or 5 hours in it. Our trip to Blake Island was like that.

The boom tent (tarp hanging over boom with water filled milk jugs) was something I wanted to experiment with more. I really wanted to try out boat camping. This is where you go exploring and just sleep in the boat. I never got a chance because I never got around to getting the anchor light working.

It really is a great boat. I wish we had handled our ownership differently (like fixing some things right away, or paying for moorage sooner, or thinking of the boom tent earlier).

Oh well. It was a good learning process.

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