Oct 28, 2005

Bon Voyage

No, don't panic (all my imaginary readers), it's not the end of the blog. But it is the end of an era. I'm selling the boat.

They say the two happiest days of a boat owners life are when he buys the boat and when he sells the boat. But I think it's not quite accurate. They are actually the happiest days of the boat owners wife. By association, this makes the boat owner happier on those two days. In reality, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and sentimental. We have owned this boat for 3 years. We have had many adventures with it. Though we have had our challenges with it as well, I have never regretted buying. I will probably be sharing some stories about the boat from the earlier years over the next couple of days. HOpefully I won't bore you. :)

So if I'm selling the boat, but not shutting down the blog, what's going to happen you might ask? I am excited to tell you that I plan to join the Gig Harbor sailing club. After comparing the cost of mooring our own boat, and the cost of doing the same amount of sailing with the club, I felt the club was a better deal. With the club I can take classes at a discount, charter a wider array of boats, participate in monthly club activities & mingle with other like minded individuals. I am very excited. In that sense, I have been happy to sell the boat.

Happy sailing to all.

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