Jul 15, 2005

Family Evening Sail

This was a very small trip, but worth noting. It was one of the best sailing trips we've had as a family. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go after dinner. The breeze was on the light side, but steady. I forgot to check the tide chart before we left and mistakenly decided the tide was going out when, instead, it was coming in.

Our trip was simple. We headed out of the harbor, straight for point defiance. About a half a mile from the point, we turned around and headed back. This is when I realized the current had swept us a bit south. Had I guessed the tide correctly, we would have headed more north to compensate. Oh well.

We ended up motoring back because the winds had also gotten a little light. Everyone did really well, and the length of the entire expedition (from home to home) was 2 hours and 50 minutes. I hope we get to do it again.

A couple of side notes. Sophia fell asleep (something she's never done in a moving vehicle). Tiffany really enjoyed steering the boat, and Aubrey-Anne and Camille kept themselves entertained with a spitting contest. True sailors.

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