May 1, 2013

June Trip to Seaside 2008

Literally on the side of the road.  How quaint.
I know, I know.  This has nothing to do with sailing.  What can I say? It's my blog, and it has to do with the ocean which is good enough for me.  I will keep it brief though.

The sign says it all.
We got it into our heads to take a road trip to Seaside Oregon for a long weekend.  The plan was to drive across the peninsula to Highway 1 and follow Highway 1 to the destination.  We took the girls out of school early I think (or at least immediately after school) so had a picnic on the side of the highway crossing the peninsula.  We had a good laugh about that.

Our next highlight was Dismal Nitch.  This is at the point where the bridge connects Oregon to Washington.  It's a spot so unpleasant someone felt the need to name it.  It was cold, and windy and nasty.  We had a good laugh about the name though.

Fort something-or-other in Oregon.
We had one more stop before our final destination.  An old fort (I forget the name) on the Oregon side.  I'm pretty sure it was associated with Lewis and Clark and was one of the very first forts built out here.  It was very small. I'm so glad I didn't live back then.

And finally Seaside.  Seaside is a fun place, it has a carnival-like atmosphere with arcades and lots of small shops, fun decorations and lots of restaurants.  It's very close to a wide beautiful beach.  It's one of those beaches one seas in calendars.

It was typical June weather during our stay - cold and breezy, but we had a good time.  We flew some kites, walked the beach and even attempted to swim.

A short distance south of Seaside is a town called Cannon Beach.  Cannon Beach has a more serious resort feeling to it.  It doesn't feel as fun as Seaside, but it also has a beautiful beach.

All in all it was great trip, and we're glad we did it.  Hopefully we can do it again sometime.

March 2008 Club Sail

Unfortunately, I didn't take the time to create a post for this club sail.  Based on the beautiful weather in the pictures, I suspect it was beautiful but uneventful.  Enjoy the photos.

Looking up Colvos Passage on a beautiful spring afternoon.