Jul 10, 2007

Night Sail

Departure: 8:30pm
Return: 10:30pm
Weather conditions: Clear skies & small sniffs of air
Tide: High Flood
Boat: Wee Blow
Crew: Woody

I've heard it said that you can tell a mans true character by what they do when no one is around so you might say this was a test of character. My wife and the girls were out of town for several days and I was on my own. I was still working full days so it wasn't like I had oceans of time. Get it, sailing <-> oceans.... Anyway I still had the evenings so what to do, what to do?

I could choose a task from our endless list of tasks. I could read a book (something I would do regardless), or I could go sailing. Something I've been wanting to do forever is take a boat out at night and watch the lights in the harbor come on as the son sets. I've never gotten to because it feels strange to do so without the family. But, for the family to come it has to get dark early enough. In the summer, it doesn't get dark until very late and in the winter (when it gets dark really early) it's too cold. Now was my chance.

I paid attention to the time of sunset so I wouldn't show up too early and get bored. Eight O'clock looked like a good time. The evening was quite calm when I set out. It didn't look very promising for a sail, but it was beautiful. The sky was clear and the water glassy. I rigged the sail anyway and hoped for the best. I slowly drifted around and enjoyed milking micro-movements from the very VERY light puffs, but after a while that got a little old. I eventually took it back in under oar power and took off the sails. But I wasn't done yet. I headed back out under oar power.

The lights winking awake as the sun set over the hill was everything I'd dreamed it would be. And really, having the calm waters was a lot of fun. The current was coming in just slightly so I'd row up-current and then drift towards my marina. I was very careful to keep an eye out for other boats since I was essentially invisible to everyone.

There is something magical about being on the water at night when there's no wind and the water is glassy. It feels cozy. There was no noise and almost no one about. Everyone once in a while a boat would motor in and tie up for the night. A large crane glided past me in alighted on a nearby piling; it made no sound. Lights were on inside some of the anchored boats and I imagined sailors settling down for the evening in cozy cabins; small beds, dollhouse kitchens and port-a-potties.

And the temperature... did I mention the temperature? It was so nice that I was comfortable the entire evening in my t-shirt and shorts.

I wish I had pictures, but maybe it'll be more fun imagining it for yourselves.

Until next time.