Oct 3, 2006

October Club Sail

Departure: 1:00pm
Return: 4:00pm
Weather conditions: Puffy clouds and breezes
Tide: flood tide (high point)
Boat: Red & Blue Club Boat s
Crews: 5 (Tom, Paul and Carol) and (Woody,Dave)

Picture 1: A beautiful home in the harbor
Autumn isn't all bad. True, there is a sadness with the departure of summer; the cooler weather, the shorter days, the dimmer light. But, in it's own way, this is the beauty of Autumn. There is a richness about it. The colors seem deeper and more full. Days like today feel like a ripe fruit ready to be picked on enjoyed. One day more and it might go bad, but today, it's perfect. I really had a good time.

Picture 2: Beautiful fall day.
Puffy white clouds dotted the sky, and the wind was mostly gentle with an occasional stronger surge. The air was clean, and we were the only sailboats out. We had enough people to take two boats out with 3 (Tom, Paul and Carol) in one and myself and Dave in the other. I won't bore you with the details, but we raced. I will say that racing is a great way to improve ones skills. It requires the skipper to bring all his/her knowledge and skill together at the moment to try and maximize performance. The tinyest mistake can cost huge amounts of time. It was a lot of fun.
Picture 3: The Competition.

I took a couple of pictures. I think I've taken plenty of "sailing" pictures. My goal for the future is to take "interesting" pictures of whatever takes my fancy during the trip.

The house pictured at the top has always intrigued me. I think it's quite beautiful.