May 1, 2006

May Club Sail

It's the beginning of the month, and you know what that means....

Club Sail!!!

There were only two people today; myself and Tom. It was a great day for a sail. We stayed out an hour longer than we meant too, but we made it as far north as Olalla which was fun. I always prefer having a destination on my trips. We didn't see any wildlife, but we had a great time battling large swells and dodging a barge.

I was excited to see how quickly we made it to Olalla. Our family is planning a trip to Blake Island at the end of the month and I'm hoping we can do it in 4-6 hours. I think it can be done with a good wind.

The tides were very low when we started. It's amazing how different things can look depending on the tide. At high tide everything seems so accessible and spread out and comfortable. With a low tide, you feel small and cramped. The beaches, trees, and structures all tower over you looking down. I love the variety of the water.
