Nov 3, 2005

How a Boat is Pulled

I feel like I'm belaboring this whole boat sale thing. But, I promise that other than funny stories from the past, I will not be making any more entries about selling this boat. In my defense, I do claim that part of my purpose in making this entry is to show my landlubber families and friends how a sailboat is pulled out of the water. I think the pictures say it all.

First, the boat is prepared. In this case, we lowered the mast (a story in itself) and secured all lines, etc... We also moved the boat into position to be placed in the crane (cradle? I don't know what it was called). Here my faithful crew, poses with the prepared boat.

Next, the boat was positioned under the crane, and over the straps of the crane. Compared to taking down the mast, this was relatively quick.

Finally, the boat was lifted out, pressure washed and lowered onto the cradle.

The bottom of the boat wasn't nearly as dirty as I thought.

And that my friends, is truly the end of an era. But not!! Not, the end of our sailing adventures. This is only the beginning....